Shopping lists — to be deleted

An ongoing journal thing in the form of found shopping lists

dan brotzel
38 min readDec 13, 2022


‘Jo Milk’, Trent Park: 10.12.2022

Jo Milk

Found this one out walking with Huey (10) and Teddy, our 6-month-old cockerpoo. Teddy loves woodland, we’ve discovered, so we took him for a romp through the lovely woods of this country park, especially around the area called Camlet Moat. This is the remains of an ancient fortification, still semi-moated with a little neck of land that leads to a small island that New Agers and Pagans of various stripes like to bedeck with crystals, dream-catchers and prayers. We first found it by accident, and I have always considered it a little enchanted, especially as I have to get lost each time in order to find it again.

So to the list. Obviously the XL and arrow are striking. Extra large? A nod to some planned Xmas clothes shopping? The next word I took at first to be Gerry or Gravy but, having looked again at the way cucumbers is written, I’m leaning towards Curry. Could the H (if it is an H) stand for ‘hot’? This seems unlikely, and the answer is likely to elude us. Why is the letter circled? Another mystery. J Pots perhaps means jackets potatoes. Taken with pepper sauce, it seems as if a dinner is being planned (tonight is Saturday). Jo’s milk sounds like a reference to a baby (formula…



dan brotzel

Funny-sad author of The Wolf in the Woods (Bloodhound); order at | Hotel du Jack | Slackjaw, Pithead Chapel, X-Ray, The Fence | Pushcart